Sunday 28 October 2012




Post modernism  was a significant shift in attitude moving away from the chractertistics of the modernism style. Beggining in the early 1970's up till the modern day today.
A few key features that would describe post modernism would be choas, as the statement regulary occured was ''the only rule is that there are no rules''  This led room for anything could be described as postmodernism, and it would be acepted because it was breaking certrain rules and traditions that occured in the modernism stage. Kitcsh was a main chractertistic of postmodernism, which meant it acepted tackyness and bad taste, but artisits would purposley create art to make it kitsch, exggarating how they know it is bad taste but they want to celebrate this through the art.

A common feature in post modernism is the term 'loss of an orginal'' this refers to a few examples one in paticular the Sherry Levine art. She approached this art by rephotographing well known images made from very famous photographers. One image that is easily reconisgeable is the Walker Evans image. Her idea was to highlight the ubiquity of a copy, and the insignficance of an orginal, once a copy has been made the vaule from an orginal is lost and both of the images are seen at the same level. To demonstrate this point she photographed orginals from books, taking a copy of a printed copy. She described her work as unique and individual. This is the Walker Evans that she recreated as her work as named it 'After Walker Evans'

Another example of ''Loss Of an orignal'' is of a well known Cindy Sherman Image. Yasumasa Morimura's image simlarly replicates the oroignal cindy sherman image as he creates a reconstruction of this image. First impressions this atempt of Loss of an orginal can be seen as copying the ideas, but when you read the image throughlry we see deeper meanings as to why Yasumasa Morimura's has produce this replica of the CIndy Sherman image. 

Cindy Sherman

An image i choose to use an exmaple of the post modernism era is Bankys painting 'Kate Moss 2005' First glance of this image you would suspect it was the Andy Warhol's silkscreen of Maryling from 1962. However it is Banksys interpretation on Post Modernism and this paitning is an excellent example for the postmodernism time.  
''Post Modernism is not concerned with the aura of the authenticity''  (Jameson 1991:179) 
This act of using Andy Warhols Marylin silkscreen, is seen as a celebration of post modernism time, as banksy has reconstructed this idea to create something new and aesttic. However questions can be raised, is this inspiration considered as copying an other artisits idea? Some artisits from the post modern era can see the uniqueness and individuality of working in this style. This raising questions about the whole Post Modernism era andhow it is portrayed.

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